"New mutants" did not show: "Test shows everyone liked"


The fans of the people of the IX have long been waiting for the opportunity to see "new mutants", but the film seems to be having evil rock. The premiere of the tape was transferred several times, and then it seemed that happiness was already close, the world was overwhelmed by the coronavirus pandemic. Many fans fans even started worrying that since 2017 the plot could undergo significant changes, but it turned out that these fears were in vain.

According to The Hollywood Reporter edition, "new mutants" were not shifted since the test shows were carried out, so the film version that came to the screens after a few months is exactly what the director Josh Bun conceived initially.

The author of the comic about Dadpula Rob Laifeld was surprised that "new mutants" were ready before the release of "Deadpool 2", and since the premiere of the painting about Wade Wilson had already passed two years.

I have no idea what the hell is happening!

- I noticed the artist, and also added that he would not wait to watch a film, because his friends highly appreciated it after the test show.

That's what I know: all my friends who saw "new mutants" in December 2017, liked it,

- Stressed Laifeld.

He also told that by the time some special effects were not ready, but it did not make it worse. True, the idea to watch the movie in the cinema for obvious reasons causes a rob doubt. He admitted that now it is not very striving to go there, where they can sneeze on him, and noted:

I think now we all have become a little agorafobami.

But bare fans began to wonder if a pandemic would mean the online premiere of "new mutants", as Disney announced a new release date. The film should come out on August 28.

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