Robert Downey Jr. almost blind on the set of "Iron Man"


The "Iron Man" stands at the origins of the genre of superherochik, and if we consider that the technologies have not yet made a substantial jerk forward, it will be clear that while working on the film, the film crew had to face many difficulties. And Robert Downey Jr., who played the legendary Tony Stark, and almost barely paid for the role of health.

The actor recently became a guest of the show David Letterman "My next guest does not need a view" and told a little about the main hero's successful helmet. It turned out that it was a real design, and not a computer graphics, and the superhero accessory delivered a downey junior essential inconvenience. He told that the studio tried to save, so it was decided to take it into a real helmet, that's just no one thought that in him the actor would not see anything.

Robert Downey Jr. almost blind on the set of

As a result, at some point, Roberta commanded to play, as if he was landing on the roof in a costume and starts to go. But first, the actor plunged into the darkness, because the helmet closed, and then the backlight was caught inside him, and the actor almost said goodbye to his eyesight.

It was like in the "Manchurian candidate." I was completely blinded

- recalls Downey Jr..

He also added that during the filming of the last "Avengers", he was offered to return to the origins and put on a helmet again, but he demanded a suit to capture movements. And this is right, cooperation with Marvel for the actor has ended, but the vision is even accurate for him.

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