Keanu Reeves arrived in Germany to start shooting "John Whitch 4"


Keanu Rivz returned to Berlin, where, under the leadership of Lana Vachovski, he was filmed almost all last year in the fourth part of the "matrix". The new visit of the star to the capital of Germany is associated with the work on the next chapter "John Whitch". Local tabloids have already published a picture of the actor who arrived in the German Studio Babelsberg.

There are no accurate dates, but it is assumed that the main shooting process starts in June of this year. In addition to Berlin, the production of plenty militant Lionsgate will be held in the territories of several international locations, including Paris, Japan and New York.

Permanent director of the Franchise Chad Stachelski will be engaged in the scenario, and for the scenario, instead of Derek Kolstadd, who wrote past three films, this time corresponds to his co-author of the tricveli Shei Hatten and predator playwright (2010) Michael Finch. From actors to familiar roles, Lorence Fishburn, Ian Makshane and Lance Reddick will definitely return with Rivz. Details of the plot are still held in secret.

It was previously assumed that the shooting of the fourth and fifth movies will be held in parallel, but this plan decided to refuse to focus all creative forces on the next tape.

The Russian premiere "John Whitch 4" will be held on May 26, 2022.

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