In vain congratulated: Tatyana Maslani denied that the woman would play


Tatyana Maslany, famous thanks to the TV series "Dark Child," gave an interview in which he refuted information about his participation in the Disney + "Woman Hulk" project. Maslani confirmed that she really led the negotiations on playing a capital role in this show, but the deal did not take place. In an interview with The Sudbury Star, 35-year-old actress said:

Must admit that this is not true. It looked like a press release, which as a result of some inconsistencies leaked on the Internet. Earlier, I was really connected with this series, but now, unfortunately, it is already irrelevant.

In vain congratulated: Tatyana Maslani denied that the woman would play 18699_1

The fact that oils will be approved for the role of the female version of Hulk, the media reported in September. It seemed that everything was already decided - it came to the point that the actress with joining the filmmaken Marvel managed not only the fans, but also Mark Ruffalo, who fulfilled the Hulk in the films "Saga Infinity."

It is expected that the "female Hulk" will largely be a "female" project not only on this, but also on the other side of the screen. Showranner appointed Jessica Gao, known as the screenwriter "Silicon Valley" and "Rick and Morty", while the pilot and several other episodes will remove Kat Koiro ("Brooklyn 9-9", "Shameless"). The date of the premiere of the series has not yet been announced.

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