Andy Samberg hinted on the possibility of Sicvel "Fold in Palm Springs"


Because of the coronavirus pandemic, many ribbons that had to go to screens last year were received by a new release date, but some of the prime ministers are still actively discussed by the audience. Among the latter was the dramatic comedy to "hang in Palm Springs", which debuted solely on Hulu.

The film with Andy Samberg in the lead role was awarded praise from fans and critics for a unique look at the theory of temporary loops investigated in cinema; And even though the picture received a completely transparent final, many think about what it would be nice to see the continuation of this story. So far, no official conversations about the sequel are conducted, but Samberg himself recently agreed on what direction could develop a plot, and even compared the potential situation of Sarah (Christine Milioti) and his character Niles with the Wizhn show.

"I mean that everything can go in a variety of directions, because I feel that the film final turned out to be a bit open, it depends on your interpretation. So this may be family bliss, and there may be something like a situation in "Vanda / Vizhn". You do not know where exactly they will be, "the actor said in an interview with Radiotimes.

By the way, Milioti recognized that he had already discussed with a colleague on the film possible continuation, however, it was not possible to come to a single opinion. "Perhaps we will make another film in 10 years and see what happened to them. But I like that the final turned out to be ambiguous. We have completely different ideas about what should happen, so we will have to look for a common idea to continue, "the star shared.

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