From "Spider Man" to "People in Black": the 15th most anticipated films of the summer-2019, which can not be missed

Godzilla 2: King Monsters - May 30

One of the oldest movie franchises of the world (but, unfortunately, not the most profitable) continues next epic confrontation. The plot of the new film is unfolding around the heroic efforts of the Krypto-Zoological Agency "Monarch", who collided with a whole division of monsters of colossal sizes, namely, a mighty Godzill, who entered the conflict with a motor, Russian and his sworn enemy, three-headed hydraulo. When these three oldest supervisions, who were considered ordinary myths, rise from non-existence, they enter the fight for superiority, putting the question of the existence of humanity to the conservation.

Secret life of domestic animals on May 30 - May 30

Continuation of the cartoon about Max and his friends. While their owners at work, pets are waiting for new funny and dangerous adventures on the streets of New York.

Rocketman - June 6

Elton John, together with Taron Edgerton and Richard Madden representing Rocketman in Cannes, frankly crying - so much, they say, a successful film presented at the Cannes Film Festival outside the competition. "Rocketman", a story about the formation of the future pop king of Elton John in the framework of the musical, is already called the "Bohemian Rhaseodia killer". It is unlikely that, however, "Rocketman" can repeat the cashier by Bayopic Freddie Mercury - after all, the film about Elton John the age rating is much higher (18+), and because of the LGBT subjects in many countries, Rocketman risks simply not to get ( Hello China with his second largest after the US Kinoryanka).

Dark Phoenix - June 6

The completion of the history of the Universe of the ICS people in the current version of the Fox Studios, successfully restarting X-Man with James McAweight, Michael Fassbender and Jennifer Lawrence, no more, and the people of Xee will go to Native Penates (read Marvel), so the current Universe X-Men will have to sacrifice on the altar of the historical Disney-Fox deal. And yes, one of the main characters of the "Dark Phoenix" will die, and the rest will provide the final finale without any questions.

LVCH: International - June 12

People in black, a secret organization on guard and the safety of the Earth, have repeatedly defended us from the attack of the garbage of the universe. This time the greatest danger for the world community, which agents performed by Torah and Valkyrie (that is, asking for forgiveness, Chris Hemsworth and Thompson Tesa) to resist, the spy in their ranks.

Dream - June 20

Music drama (gaining, apparently, the rapid popularity of the genre) with El Panning in the lead role about a girl from a small town that dreams of glory. Finally, the chance to find such glory is provided by the main heroine - it has to be participated in the national competition and compete for the chance to achieve everything.

Toy history 4 - June 20

The story of the toys does not end even when their owner went to college - now the Basza, Woody, Mlinch, Rex and the whole team of toys, a new mistress, Bonnie, which is about to go to kindergarten. The first day in kindergarten will start a series of events, in which there is a place and travel with chains, and acquaintance with new toys, and meetings with some of the old friends, and even romantic history.

Dog life on June 2 - 27

The continuation of the tears-looking family picture with Dennis Quaid and the next cute dog in the main roles, which does not even have a full-fledged synopsis - besides the mysterious centance that the "real friendship of one life is not enough." We are waiting for reincarnation, the reunification of old friends in new bleits and a lot of light tears.

That more couple - June 27

A simple comedy that even a middle-aged man with the appearance of the Rogen setting has every chance to conquer the heart of an impregnable beauty Charlize Theron. Just once to raise the mood and restoration of faith in Happi-Ecroth.

Spiderman: away from home - July 4

Another superhero blockbuster with a newcomer Marvel Jake Gyllenhol, who marks the new milestone of the film development - at least it will introduce the concept of "multiverse" (as if few of us were alone). In the US, the Sicvel "Man-Spider" was already recognized as the most anticipated film of the summer (according to the results of the audience voting), and, although up to 2+ billion "Avengers: the final", the spider, of course, can not be reached, can be assumed that CASSIVE fees from the European vacation Peter Parker and his friends will be quite worthy.

Dead do not die - July 11

A peaceful town faces invasion of zombies - the zombie comedy is distinguished by Synopsis, a zombie comedy is distinguished from the cult director Jim Jarmushe with a stunning star caste, not so long ago, almost in full-length flashed at the Cannes Film Festival. In the "dead do not die" to resist the zombie apocalypse will be Bill Murray, Adam Driver, Selena Gomez, Steve Bushemi, Chloe Sevigny and Tilda Suinton.

Ali, steering! - July 11.

And another uncomplicated comedy to pass the summer day off - with the star of the "Guardians of the Galaxy" Dave Batistan, who had non-cubized comedy talents with the efforts of James Gunn. The star of the "Silicon Valley" Kumale Nanjiani in the role of an ordinary driver Uber'a will have to assist the brutal police officer (Dave Batista), which goes along the trace of a cruel killer. A taxi driver could not even imagine that now he is waiting for a painful test, during which he will be desperate to try to keep a sober mind, life and a five-star rating in the appendix.

King Lion - July 18

The question of questions is whether the creators of full-lengths almost crooked the cult "king of a lion" or, as promised to the audience, have something new added? The celebration of new animated computer technologies is already without a cult soundtrack of Zimmer, but with Beyonce - "King Lion", which has deserved a new generation? Or commercial mockery over our childhood?

Fast and Furious: Hobbs and Show - August 1

The duet of bald swing and Idris Elba in the role of the third extra, but with a flamethrower - Spin-off "Fursazha" waved the handle of the main franchise, physics and remnants of common sense, and, judging by the first reviews of the test audience, we are waiting for something absurd Caught and funny.

Once in Hollywood - August 8

No, we, in principle, did not doubt that Tarantino would be able to give the next masterpiece, but the Cannes Film Festival confirmed - we are waiting for something incredible, not for nothing that the 6 minutes gathered on the filmmoter applauded the director standing. Creation to "Once in Hollywood" with critics only one - a little-de Margo Robbie, but this is, in principle, it is logical, because in the center of history - not Sharon Tate in its execution, but the nostalgic bomance duet Leo Dicaprio and Brad Pitt and "Love Message" of Tarantino himself to Hollywood Epochs of the late 60s and early 70s.

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