It became known when the shooting "Torah: Love and Thunder"


Because of the coronavirus pandemic, all the film marvel was greatly shaken, and the dates of long-awaited releases had to endure without end. They touched the changes and the fourth part of the franchise about God thunder (Chris Hemsworth). As a result, the premiere was outlined for February 2022, and the fans began to worry whether the shooting process would have completed, which no one had thought to start.

Not so long ago, it became aware that Hemsworth will be involved in the work on the film "Furios", and this finally made an annoyance of the actor's schedule. But now, finally, everything turned out. On the eve of the network, information appeared on the fact that in January next year, Chris will reincarnate again in the Torah, and shooting will be held in his native Australia.

It became known when the shooting

Yes, it will be necessary to work in a short time, but when creating "Torah: Love and Thunder" plan to use a special production technology, which has already been tested during the filming of Mandaloque. It reduces the load on the post-sales team, which means that the whole process is placed in a shorter time.

Hemsworth will return in the fourth part of the franchise along with Tessa Thompson (Valkyrie) and Natalie Portman (Jane Foster). Portman since the time "Torah: Ragnarök" a special role in the filmsened Marvel did not play, but this time she will become the torus herself, following the popular plot of comics. The premiere of the tape is scheduled for February 10, 2022.

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