Eva Mendez hinted that it was ready to return to the movies after a 6-year break


Six years ago, Eva Mendez gave birth to a second daughter and put her acting career as a pause. The last time she appeared on the screens in 2014 in the director's debut of her husband Ryan Gosling "How to catch a monster".

All this time, Eve was engaged in families and children, but now she is ready to return to work again. In a new interview with Sydney Morning Herald, Mendez noted that her children had already grown and her acting ambitions began to return.

Ambitions did not go anywhere, they just moved to children for a while. I applaud moms that can combine motherhood and work, but I'm not so. Thank God, I have the opportunity not to work, I understand how lucky I was. I am very glad that I could be with the children all this time. But they have grown, one already 4, the other 6, and I feel that my ambitions are returned,

- Eva shared.

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Eva Mendez hinted that it was ready to return to the movies after a 6-year break 18725_2

Also in an interview, she told how she and Ryan cope with the upbringing of her daughters.

Sometimes it seems that we work in some hotel where drunk and aggressive guests are constantly coming. They are angry, commanded, demand to bring them food. And then they go to bed, and we stay to get out and discuss how they cost us. But now all parents are not easy. We remind you, then it is actually a good time because we are together and safe,

- said the star.

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