Scottish Standap-comedian Daniel SLESS will perform in Moscow for the first time


November 23 in Moscow will joke "Scottish transverse." So nicknamed the popular comedian for the acute, sometimes sliding the humor and Manera sliding along the edge itself with the famous Russian showman. On the Music Media Dome stage in Moscow, Daniel Slash will perform with the new two-hour program "X", which critics and journalists of the world media have already appreciated.

In the course of the speech, Daniel moves from simple "thick" jokes to serious things, he is not shy to ride around the viewer or his views and opinions. Tabued topics, curses, politics and frank provocations - in all this Scotland, like fish in water.

"I do not have a feature, I always say that I think. And I do not believe in what they say "you can't already say that you can say," you can! "," Explains Daniel.

The world fame of the 28-year-old comedian rusted 2018, published on Netflix: "Dark" and "Jigsaw". The latter began to discuss even before the premiere when he provoked the separation and divorce shaft. After the concert is released on the video, the Slash continues to send reports that he changed someone's life.

A special guest is planned for the show - British Standap-comedian Kai Humphries, which will give his own performance.

A concert in English, but there will be headphones with a synchronous Russian translation, which can be booked on the official website of the show.

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