"So much blood": the wife of the armor of Hammer showed her son after falling


Elizabeth Chembers shared anxious news about his three-year-old Ford's son: the boy fell from the bed and damaged the cheek, because of what he lost a lot of blood. The former spouse of the Armor of Hammer shared photos with the child and wrote:

It happened very strange: Ford, during sleep, rolled down from the bed and hit the cheek about the bedside table. Sobbed a few hours - and he, and me. There was so much blood.

But the child has already assisted, he and mother feel better.

In addition to Ford, Hammer and Chember briefly bring up a five-year-old daughter Harper. Spouses broke up in July after 10 years of family life and 13 years of relationship. Recently, the Army gave an interview with the GQ magazine, where he spoke about parting with his wife.

I think you will not find anyone in the world who would say that what I am worried about now, easy to survive. The point is not that it was the initiative [part] or not, you consider it a good idea or not. In any case, parting is a strong shock. It drags a lot of pain and changes. Change is a universal constant. Changes are not always bad, but this does not mean that they are painless,

Said Hammer.

We are with Elizabeth adults, we decided. And the main thing for us was to make that the divorce does not greatly affect children, or at least soften their fears and anxiety,

- Stressed the actor. After breaking with Chember, he spent some time alone on the Cayman Islands and realized that he needed help from a psychologist.

I began to communicate with a psychologist twice a week. It turned out very helpful, he gave me a new look at the situation and helped solve some problems. Now I think everyone should go to a psychologist and discuss with someone their problems,

- Arranged the armor.

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