Brad Pitt broke up with his beloved Nicole Poll


Brad Pitt and Nicole Poleralski broke up, report sources from the environment of the former couple. And even though their relationship lasted only a few months, they managed to make noise.

As insiders say, there was nothing serious between the actor and the model.

Brad was a realist in this relationship. She lives in Germany, and he has a difficult family situation with which he still understands,

- said the informant.

Nicole family situation is also interesting: it is married with a 68-year-old businessman Roland Mary and raises a 7-year-old son with him. But they adhere to the "open relationship", so Collorsky had the right to the novel on the side. Roland and Nicole still together and recently appeared in public.

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As for Pitt, there is a feeling that the novel with the German model aggravated his already difficult relationship with Angelina Jolie. Former spouses with difficulty decide the issue of guardianship. As far as is known, Jolie would like to raise the children alone, and Pitt with the team of lawyers is trying to return his fatherhood. But after the news that Brad traveled with Colls in him with Jolie the estate, the position of Angelina about the upbringing of children with a former husband became even tougher.

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