Lily James found for kisses with married Dominic West (his wife "killed grief")


Then, 31-year-old Lily James was found for kisses with 50-year-old Dominic West, known for the series "Lovers". Now they are in Rome, where they are filmed in the screening of the Roman The Pursuit of Love.

Lily James found for kisses with married Dominic West (his wife

According to foreign publications, Dominic and Lily romantically spend time: together ride on one scooter, together dinner in the cafe, where Dominic kisses her and strokes her hair. Sources say that a couple also visited Roman sights towards the Roman attractions and held two nights in the suite of a five-star Rocco Forte Hotel De La Ville.

Lily James found for kisses with married Dominic West (his wife

At the same time, Dominic is married. Since 2010, it consists in official relations with Landscaping Designer Catherine Fitzgerald, with which they raise four common children. Catherine's girlfriend told that she was "killed grief" after the photos of Paparazzi.

She saw these pictures, she was very upset. I immediately came to talk to her as soon as they came out. Catherine tried to talk to him, but he does not take the phone. She is absolutely shocked by what happened, because the concepts did not have what was happening. They were together, everything was fine, so it is completely unexpected. She thought they had a good marriage. But already, most likely, no,

- told a man from the environment of Fitzgerald.

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