Fergie In The Black Eyed Peas group replaced 23-year-old dark-skinned soloist


Last weekend The Black Eyed Peas was made at the closure of the Video Music Awards 2020 ceremony. The group introduced the public a new track Vida Loca, as well as the good old hit I Gotta Feeling, but it looked at all as before - the finished group of Fergie was replaced by a new vocalist. Now the place of the only woman in the group is occupied by the singer J. Rey Soul, whose real name is Jessica Reinoo.

Jessica 23 years old, she is with the Philippines, several years ago, she participated in the "Voice" show, where one of the judges was the participant The Black Eyed Peas Rapper apl.de.ap. J. Rey Soul has already participated in the recording of a recent album of the team, but for the first time with him.

Delight after speech at MTV Vma Jessica shared on his page in Instagram. "I can not believe that I finally found myself on this scene! Sometime I watched the show at home, and now spoke at his closure! ", I wrote a singer and thanked the participants of the group.

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As for Fergie, she officially left the group in 2017. And in May last year, she divorced her husband, Josh Duhamel, with whom he was married for 10 years and brought up the seven-year-old son of Axel Jack.

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