Varnaba laid out provocative photos with Lazarev: "This is so hinting"


Actress Ekaterina Varnaba published on his page in Instagram, a comic entry, dedicated to the birthday of the singer Sergey Lazarev. In the pictures, the artist added its topless photo on which she covered with a broad-grained hat, on colorful photos of Lazarev, and in the signature congratulated the birthday girl with a holiday.

"This is so gently hinting that for so much time to dating us with him one normal photography, and then from the project eight years ago. Are you kidding?!" - Writes Varnaba.

Also, the congratulatory post Artist published in the story of the account, noting that in this way "persistently attracts attention" of Lazarev.

Network users with humor rated the record of the Varnava. Before the post, they began to joke on the pictures, and some remembered the famous composition of the group "on-on". They also strongly recommended the artists to arrange a joint photo session instead of "comical photoshop".

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"Call the group" on-on "so that they sang:" The hat fell, fell to the floor, and the wind hat, the hat was carried out, "the fans laugh.

Other subscribers rated the actress record itself, noting how valuable and important real friendship is important. Not passed past pictures and the birthday itself. Sergey Lazarev thanked Barnava for a touching congratulation and admitted to her in love.

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