Children Sergey Lazareva recorded a congratulation for him: "To tears!"


Sergey Lazarev continues to receive congratulations. On the eve he turned 38 years old. True, only some friends who went with an artist in Mexico were personally able to wish everything the best. The two children of Sergey turned to the birthday name online. Father, in turn, showed Nikita and Anna to the subscribers in Instagram.

"Beloved dad! I congratulate you on your birthday. I wish you happiness, "he shy a little, said 2-year-old Anya. Her older brother expressed his thoughts in the poetic form: "I wanted to tell you a long time, but I don't know everything. You are the best dad on earth, in any business Mastak.

Lazarev could not keep his emotions surpassed on him and confessed to fans, which was very much faded. "To tears! My favorite! The most touching congratulation from my sun! " - allocated it among other members of Eurovision.

Fans with him are absolutely solidar. In their opinion, the degree of milots in the video simply shook. "I will no longer see anything Mile. Sincere, happy, soul rejoices, "What Suns", "Kittens! Papine joy and pride, "Folloviers write, hanging the heirs of the singer with different epithets and affectionate nicknames. They do not get tired of sending good wishes to their idol. Now they joined the words of the children of the artist. Yesterday, Lazarev himself wrote a post in honor of his own holiday, and congratulations left more than 7 thousand network users.

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