Prince Harry's grandfather saw them with Megan's interview shortly before death: "Madness"


Recently, there are some scandals and excitements around representatives of the British monarchy. The family did not have time to more or less recover from the ill-fated interview, which the Duke of Susseki gave a popular American TV presenter, discontinuing all imaginable and unthinkable secrets, as the Buckingham Palace shocked the next tragic event. At the age of 99, without having lived only two months before his century, the Prince of Philip's prince died in Windsor Castle, the spouse of the Healthy Queen Elizabeth II. The health of Prince Philip over the last year and so left much to be desired: literally on the eve of he fell into the hospital because of complaints about poor well-being. The hospitalization of Prince Edinburgh became another reason to reproach Megan and Harry in the fact that they agreed to interview, although all the members of the BCS were against. At least, the Queen gently hinted his grandchildren about the fact that it is not worth making sorny from the hut, but Harry dismissed his grandmother.

Prince Harry's grandfather saw them with Megan's interview shortly before death:

Prince Philip always has always been somewhat in the shadow of his great spouse, so the grandfather's reaction to such an obvious challenge to the royal polls from the pair of newlyweds was unknown. However, after the death of the Prince in the British press, unexpected revelations fell on this. So, last Sunday, the Royal Biographer Giles Brandrenet in a conversation with journalists Daily Mail reported that the Queen's husband was extremely unhappy with the published interview with Prince Harry and Megan Plant with Obrey Winfrey. Even on the eve of the release of the ill-fated revelations, the Prince expressed that "nothing will lead to anything good."

Prince Harry's grandfather saw them with Megan's interview shortly before death:

"I know from a person close to him that he considered an interview with Harry and Megan's real" madness. " I know this reaction of the prince, because literally the same he spoke about the interview, which in his time gave Prince Charles and the late Lady Di, "the Words of Brandette British Tabloid quotes.

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