Harry and Megan convicted for "insensitive" message for Prince Philipp


In the royal family of Great Britain last Friday happened to Mount: did not become Prince of Philip. Spouse Elizabeth II passed away in the morning in the Windsor Castle at the age of 99. Many native and close royal families have already expressed their condolences to the widow. Among them was the grandson of Queen Prince Harry, along with his wife Megan Marcle.

The Duke of Susseksky published a statement on the official website of their Archewell organization with a small delay. On the gray background of the main page of the site Prince Harry and Megan Oplan left their words of condolences. "The bright memory of his Royal Highness. Duke Edinburgh, 1921-2021. Thanks for your service ... You will be very missing, "the spouses wrote short.

Network users counted such a signature too modest and absolutely not reflective mountain loss of a loved one. "And it's all? It would seem, Harry could tell about his grandfather more. Do you have any feelings? He was near you when you were born. And all you have to say is "Thank you for your service!", "This cold message makes me think about the interview," "for the service? Yes, they have no matter before him! " - indignantly wrote on the network.

Recall, Prince Harry and Megan Marck now live in America. While there was no information about whether they could fly to England to say goodbye to Prince Philipp. Previously, the grandson of the Queen planned if necessary, urgently fly to a private plane to his relatives.

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