Yuen McGregor lost half of his state after a divorce with his wife


Yuen McGregor must give his ex-wife half of the multimillion state, which he earned for his acting career, including earnings from the trilogy "Star Wars", reports the TMZ edition.

It is noted that the actor agreed to divide his fees from all films and a television show to their gap, in May 2017 - when he was noticed during a kiss with the actress Mary Elizabeth Winstad. At the same time, McGregor agreed to a solid monthly payment of ex-wife for 22 years. It will pay Marakis $ 35,868 a month as a marital support, as well as $ 14,934 as an alimony to a child.

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Also, IV will receive five cars from the huge collection of Yuena, a house in Los Angeles for 6 million dollars, all their decorations and 500 thousand in cash.

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Yuen McGregor and Yves MoRakis, with which he was married 22 years old, were divorced in 2018 and finally divorced now. As the reason for the divorce McGregor pointed out "irreconcilable disagreements." Yuen and Yves together brought up two relatives and two adopted daughters. During the divorce, the actor tried to achieve guardianship over the three younger daughters, and Iv opposed him and wanted to pick up all four heirs, leaving the Father the right to see them. Also, MoRakis tried to increase the amount of alimony for McGregor.

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Now Yuy is in relations with the actress Mary Elizabeth Winstad.

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