"People die, and she is having fun": Kim Kardashian criticized a party on a private island.


Last week, Kim turned 40 years old. And on this occasion, she arranged a grand festival, rented a whole island in the Caribbean and inviting about 30 closest people there. After the holiday, Kardashyan shared photographs from the party and told how she passed.

After two weeks of numerous medical examinations, I surprised my close trip to a private island, where we were able to pretend at least for a short time that everything is fine. We danced, ride bicycles, swam with whales, rode kayaks, watched movies on the beach and much more. I understand that for most people it is now unavailable, so at such moments I humbly remind myself as my life is privileged,

- wrote Kim in microblog.

Followers Kim are disappointed with the fact that it exposes his own idle life, while everyone else is experiencing the consequences of the pandemic, they are sick, die and barely reduce the ends meet.

"It is very selfish. People die, lose work, and she is having fun. And I doubt that all your guests followed insulation, "how cool: the elite does not need a social distance and protective masks", "Wow! My family can not see with your child because of the pandemic, but I am very glad that you are rich, "I was tried 20 days to bed and artificially received oxygen. I do not even know whether my insurance will take treatment. And you continue to resemble yourself how privileged your life is, "users express in the comments.

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