Ex-boyfriend Megan Marchad said she always conflicted with his father


The star of the serial "Fors-Majer" Megan Plant lived ordinary life to his marriage with Prince Harry. However, long before the iconic event, she no longer very warmly communicated with her father Thomas.

Ex-boyfriend Megan Marchad said she always conflicted with his father 19066_1

Recently, the former boyfriend Duchess Joshua Silverstin said that she always had a tense relationship with her father. "I knew her father in childhood. I infrequently saw him, but I knew that Megan's relationship with her father was difficult, and I took it, as well as the usual relationship between adolescents and parents, "said Silverstan.

Recall Megan Marck stopped communicating with his father after the scandalous history associated with the drain of photographs. Thomas Owl passed the paparazzi personal photos of his daughter on the eve of the Royal Wedding Megan with Prince Harry. Father confessed in the deed and asked for forgiveness from his daughter and her husband, but Megan was left adamant and did not forgive his father.

Ex-boyfriend Megan Marchad said she always conflicted with his father 19066_2

In an interview that Prince Harry and Megan Owl, Dali American TV presenter Opera Winfrey, the Duchess admitted that he felt a devotee after he found out that her father began to work with the press for the sake of material benefits. In addition, the wife of Prince Harry was offended by the fact that Thomas Plant did not immediately admitted that it was he who passed the photo. At first he denied the connection with journalists, but then under pressure, he still admitted.

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