"Sometimes I lied that trading in linen" - the owner of the store for adults Elsar Afanasyev about his own business, constraints and reactions of others


According to Elsara, the topic of sex has always been close to her. She bought toys for themselves, but constantly faced a limited assortment and low quality offered in regional stores. Over time, of course, the assortment of adult stores has expanded, the chamchair was replaced with high-quality and pleasant hands and the eye of goods, but another problem arose - the incompetence of sellers, who, for example, could not distinguish the WE-VIBE model from Satisfyer.

Elsar herself commented this moment as:

"When I created my store, I wanted exactly the opposite - so that the client could get a qualified consultation to find out than one toy differs from the other, and as a result, to purchase high-quality goods from safe and technological materials, and not smelling rubber."

Elsara had no experience, she worked in hiring, and then went on maternity leave. Analyzing the experience of friends and acquaintances who have successfully developed their small shops in Instagram, she decided to open an intimate boutique "Giving happiness" and thus a little variety of platform range.

By the way, Elsar supplier found quickly - through Google search:

"I was interested in shipment one thing, the ability to recruit small orders. "Supplier of happiness" proposed cooperation on the "lightweight" model of the dropshipping, when I ensure information support for customers and feedback, and the distributor deals with the delivery of orders directly to the buyer. "

This model is good because the seller does not need to rent its own warehouse or purchase goods in advance, to guess which product will "shoot" and cause interest in the audience, and all calculations with the supplier are manufactured on the fact of purchase.

On the reaction of loved ones, friends and acquaintances, the girl tells this way:

"The reaction of the acquaintances was different - someone turned her eyes gloomily and said that it was indecent, someone simply did not perceive it seriously. Sometimes I even lied that the bedding was trading, and discarded everyone who was interested in a link to the girlfriend store. Now I am, and the surrounding began to treat it easier. Even my sister, which first categorically refused to at least look at my page in Instagram, recently began to be interested in different toys and ask questions. "

Customers of the shop "Darim Happiness" are most often successful women of thirty years and older. This audience does not always have time on leisure and relationship, but knows exactly what he wants, it does not hesitate to signify his needs and openly announces his expectations from sex toys and use it. The most important thing is a solvent audience, ready to spend considerable money.

"The store began to profit in six months after the discovery. At first, all earned money went to advertise. At some point I scored a sufficient number of subscribers in the group and started receiving more orders not from new buyers, but from regular customers. Now the store fully provides me, but also takes everything. Of course, I distribute the load itself and can take the output when it is necessary, since recently delegated some tasks to the manager, "says Elsar.

Open the store on the Internet is not such an easy task, as it may seem, and sit back it will definitely not work.

"To obtain financial independence, I needed three years of work in 24/7 mode and active involvement in all processes that ensure the work of the store," the girl shared.

But it is definitely worth all the resources spent!

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