Beauty Secrets: Clinique Oil


I still consider the price to be overshadowed, Oil TC is oil. Tribute fashion, addition to daily care, and not at all independent means with a complex formula.

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The bottle is convenient, durable and large (if not huge). There are enough three drops of oil. He does not have absolutely smell. At all. Therefore, if you see a review, where they praise his "wonderful aroma", feedback feedback (I personally saw such a very popular site). The consistency of both conventional mineral oil is quickly absorbed, and the main question of the review - does not leave the stickiness and the fatty layer.

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Cosmetics on it falls better than on bare skin, it is clear, the tone on a fat basis will immediately be brought.

And on water? Also! It is easier to distribute on the skin, do not leave stains, as it happens with dry skin.

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On this, the obvious effects from its use end. Pores are not clogged, there was no exacerbation of the rashes after it. I would summarize this: well, the oil, well, removes dryness after washing, and that's all. The suitable primer on dry skin.

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It is recommended to add to masks and face creams into tone tools to achieve the effect of radiance, (which is very doubtful outside the photo studio) to enrich vitamins and other skin utility. But I repeat - the effect is not obvious. How to understand that vitamins somehow affected the skin? I did not feel completely no effect, nor positive or negative.

It certainly does not have a nutritional effect and does not heal the skin, so the prices do not justify their prices.

Photo: Kira izuru.

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