"Vampire Diaries": What happened to Claus after the "Ancients"


Claus Michaelson was one of the most curious characters of the Vampire Diaries, and his storyline continued in the TV series "Ancient". In the finals of the show, he brought himself sacrificing to the sake of rescue her daughter, and since then Hope did not find himself places, thinking that he was waiting for her father after he took the wrong light.

This question is partially clarified in the "Heritage". In the 7 season, Hope concern increased when necromancers said the following:

You want to know, he calmed down or suffers. Does his victim regrets his victim. In the end, he really died to save your life.

But later he admitted that Claus looks after her daughter every day, and he died with love in his heart, and therefore he does not regret his choice. But the Hero does not see peace until HOPE itself is gained.

It turns out that after the "ancient" claus did not drag into the emptiness of nonsense, instead he got into a kind of purification. Although the character is finally and committed a good act, it does not cross the meanness, which he did, including in relation to his own family, and therefore, he clearly does not deserve a happy afterlife. And yet the fans hoped that Claus would receive soothe.

As a result, on the day of memory, Hope wrote a letter to his father, in which he promised to find the inner peace to get freedom. It will be possible to do it or not, it will become clear from the following episodes of the "Heritage", but to count on the news from the Klaus himself, of course, it is not worth it.

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