Star "Sex in the Big City" criticized Joan Rowling, protecting the son-transgender


Recall, in the summer, Rowling made a number of publications and posts in which he tried to explain why not supported by the equalization of biological and transgender women. In particular, Joan is concerned that now men can declare themselves to women and access women's toilets and locker rooms. And this, in her opinion, is unsafe. Rowling also explained his position by the fact that once suffered from violence and manscript on the part of a man. For this, the author of Harry Potter received a lot of criticism.


That's what the Independent Cynthia interview:

It was very painful for my son. Because he grew up at Harry Potter. We have a whole family read it. In these books, it seems, on the contrary, they protect people who differ from all. And now Joan focuses on a group of people who are clearly different, and does not recognize their right to exist. It's just ... It's really strange. I know that she supports feminism, but I do not understand her position.


After saying Joan, many celebrities, including the actors of the film about Harry Potter, identified their position, opposite position Joan, and said that they recognize transgender women women.

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