Father Kati Clap threw her for someone else's child: "It sharpens from the inside"


Blogger Katya Clap (Ekaterina Trofimova) shared sad memories from childhood. Her parents parted when she was only six. Father left the family for the sake of another woman and her child.

According to the memoirs of the 27-year-old stars of social network, she was very jealous of his father to his admission child. One day, when Katya was visiting her grandparents, she found a box with drawings and crafts and was very upset when I realized that they did not.

"I felt jealousy. Not that somewhere the dad has a woman, but what is the child. And not father, someone else, someone's child, whom he perceived closer than me, "a blogger told with tears in her eyes for Youtube Project" Life without a father: a film of a gentle editor. "

Clap recalls that the Father and before leaving the family paid not a lot of attention to her, and after parting the parents, they began to see twice a year - on her birthday and New Year. She was very happy with rare meetings with her father, although she was always nervous.

"I adored when he came. It was very interesting. I always had even awkward time with him, I did not know what to say ... I was nervous, "the blogger remembers.

Katya Clap admits that she is hard to take such a choice of father: that he has become closer to someone else's child than his own.

"The fact that he was ready there to be with a child more than with me ... it sharpens you from the inside," she says.

Now she is surprised to look at full families, where there are both parents. In such a grew, for example, her groom Eugene Bazhenov (badcomedian).

"For me it was like this:" How? Are you going to all together? Do you have a dinner at the common table?! ". And I: "I'm embarrassed. Can I go? Where to sit? ". You do not know who to communicate with, what a hierarchy, because we have never been going at the table, "Katya Clap shared.

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