Funny and terrible: Rose Leslie told how spoiled by China Harington Hairstyle


During quarantine, when the hairdressers were closed, many have experienced hairdressers of their loved ones. Keith Harington too.

In a new interview with New York Post Rose Leslie told how once owned whale.

I chatted with a friend on FaceTime, and at this moment Keith approached and asked: "You can cut me from behind, otherwise I am not visible?" And I was so fascinated with a friend with a friend, we spoke so much that I replied to him: "Yes, come on, what do you have there?"

- said Leslie. But she still was worth postponing the smartphone before being taken for scissors.

I kept the phone in my right hand, the scissors took into the left. And ... cut off his hair very briefly! Too short! It looked ridiculously and terrible. Although he looked well with half a short-core head, so everything was fine,

- Shared Rose.

Funny and terrible: Rose Leslie told how spoiled by China Harington Hairstyle 19198_1

Funny and terrible: Rose Leslie told how spoiled by China Harington Hairstyle 19198_2

Funny and terrible: Rose Leslie told how spoiled by China Harington Hairstyle 19198_3

At the end of September, it became known that Kit and Rose are waiting for the first child. Details about their position Leslie does not disclose, but she stated about pregnancy - appearing on the cover of Make Magazine with a round belly.

I am so excited by the waiting for the child, I can not wait for when I see a new member of our family!

- Rose said in an interview.

Funny and terrible: Rose Leslie told how spoiled by China Harington Hairstyle 19198_4

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