Beauty Secrets: Smashbox Color Correcting Stick Proofreader


Beauty Secrets: Smashbox Color Correcting Stick Proofreader 19222_1

The masking pencil SMashbox Color Correcting Stick came out in lilac, green, neutral colors and in the form of a highlyera. What can I say about him? That he is very different from dry non-sticks, with whom it has to suffer from other brands.

Beauty Secrets: Smashbox Color Correcting Stick Proofreader 19222_2

Beauty Secrets: Smashbox Color Correcting Stick Proofreader 19222_3

Beauty Secrets: Smashbox Color Correcting Stick Proofreader 19222_4

The griffel is very gentle, moderately soft and greasy, on the skin lies with a uniform layer. Well pigmented and easily drush - a dream! The skin under the eyes is not dried, unlike most dense proofreaders.

In general, I will also buy green, the farm will come in handy.

Beauty Secrets: Smashbox Color Correcting Stick Proofreader 19222_5

Photo: Kira izuru.

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