According to the horror trilogy from the author "Vampire Diaries" will remove the series


According to Deadline, Warner Bros television division. Acquired the right to the decreement of novels from the "Forbidden Game" cycle, the author of which is Lisa Jane Smith. According to the source, for the series based on the "Forbidden Game", the famous producer Greg Bernti will take place together with his studio BERLANTI PRODUCTIONS. Warner Bros. And Bernti expect that a new show will be able to repeat the success of the "Vampire Diaries" - another series, which was based on Smith's books.

According to the horror trilogy from the author

"Forbidden game" - adolescent trilogy in the horror genre, in the center of which are a girl named Jenny and her six friends. Together, they enter the dangerous game in the style of "Jumanji", which tolerates them into the other damp worlds. There heroes will have to overcome their worst nightmares or die, thereby conquer their souls on eternal imprisonment. The rules of the game asks Julian, the mysterious blue-eyed young man who is able to move freely between the worlds. Before Jenny, the task is to save yourself and your friends, but when she falls in love with Julian, she will have a decisive test for devotion.

According to the horror trilogy from the author

The "Forbidden Game" trilogy was published in 1994 and consists of "Hunter" novels, "pursuit" and "murder". The executive producers of teleadaption will be Berlandi himself, as well as Sarah Shehter and David Madden. At the moment they are busy searching for scenarios for this project.

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