Olga Orlova told how she was fired from "brilliant" after pregnancy


The 43-year-old Olga Orlova recently told in his Instagram Stories on the beginning of his career in the Brilliant group. She clarified why he had to go from there. As it turned out, precisely because of pregnancy Orlova denied the continuation of cooperation. She learned about the situation in the fall of 2000 and was intended to work as long as it would not be very hard. "I thought I will take a short-term break to give birth, and continue. Literally a few days before the new year, the producer decided that it was time for me to leave: "Olya, you no longer work in" brilliant "," says the singer.

After that, the performer told that girls with a similar problem began to write to her messages and talk about such situations. Then Olga advised even before attempts to get pregnant to have a personal financial pillow, so as not to face humiliation from the spouse or employer. Orlova told about the most pregnancy: the star was very hard for all nine months and suffered from severe toxicosis. After the birth of the child, she decided that he would continue to work and build a musical career.

Prior to this, the actress shared with the subscribers, as hit the group "Brilliant". According to her, the producer accidentally heard singing then another young performer and decided to invite her to the music team consisting only of girls.

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