Miro is confident in the near-divorce Sobchak: "The third time undertakes in the public"


39-year-old Elena Miro enters the top three most readable authors in the LJ community. The blogger is aware of the most recent secular woven and scandals and regularly publishes interesting news and details of the personal life of Russian and foreign stars. Miro also allows themselves to make predictions regarding relations in star couples, conducts analytical research, based on personal connections and publications in the media and reinforcing their calculations with significant arguments.

The other day, Miro published an ambiguous post, which dedicated the popular TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak and her husband - theatrical director Konstantin Bogomolov. A couple of married for a year and a half, but blogger is confident: in the near future they are divided. The secular gossip is supported by many xyters Ksyusha. Most of them are confident that marriage with the Bogomol is nothing more than a loud PR-action. It is enough just to remember the details of their scandalous wedding.

It is known that the youngsters held a wedding ceremony to the very mystical date of the year - Friday, the 13th, and the registry office came to the funeral cataphalk, decorated with flowers and the speaking inscription "until death serves us." Even visiting guests were somewhat shocked by such a wedding tuple. After that, the Witness of the Bride, the famous designer Andrei Bartenev in the next bright shock costume, did not surprise anyone.

As for the relationship of Bogomolov and Sobchak, Miro is sure: the director fully bored love leading and is ready to surrender. This is unequivocally talking about his behavior in public. Miro leads to the example of numerous photos on which spouses are depicted apart on the same secular events. So, for example, at the premiere of the master of the master in Perm, where he arrived with his wife, for some reason he was sitting next to another woman, while Ksenia is willingly posing with other men.

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Miro draws the attention of blog readers to the tense expression of the TV presenter, which, according to her, "trying to do a good mine with a bad game." "Poor woman is the third, or once in a week undertaken in public," so unfriendly characterizes the Miro Ksenia Sobchak in a translucent dress, which from the premiere flew into the capital to lead the "Heat" ceremony and brought there to tears Buzov. Miro believes that all this is from an unspoken husband anger, because Sobchak perfectly understands that it is no longer needed to his spouse.

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