Producer "Chronicles of Narnia" spoke about hopes for the series from Netflix


The beginning of the XXI century was marked by the emergence of two strong franchises at once, which became adaptation of literary works. On the wave of Success "The Lord of the Rings" and "Harry Potter", it was decided to show the world and the screening of the books of Klyiv Steyplez Lewis "Chronicles of Narnia".


The tape "Lion, Witch and Hardware" tape became a real hit, gathered $ 745 million in global box office, but two subsequent parts of the franchise could not approach such heights, and therefore further plans for the development of this universe had to be postponed.


As a result, in 2018, all rights to adapt acquired NetFlix, but with a dead point, the project after that did not move. Douglas sinters producer, who is also a stepmaker of the "Chronicles of Narnia" Lewis, in a recent interview shared hopes for the fact that the cutting service will still go along the way of creating the series, not a full-length film.

When it comes to the film, you have a maximum of two hours to fit a whole book, a collection of adventure stories. And you just can't do it,

- explained his position sin. And it is easy to agree with him, after all, one film is often not enough to fully pass the plot and lines of behavior of the heroes.

Of course, Netflix clearly acquired the rights to the "Narnia Chronicles" not in order for the project to dust on the shelf, but such an extensive and complete important details of the Universe should be adapted very carefully. That is what will bring to view new spectators, and not just the fans of the original history.

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