Sobchak did not forgive for the film about the maniac: "Does not give peace of glory to Sulim?"


After Ksenia Sobchak took off and released a film about Skopinsky Maniac, a criticism tree fell on her. The star was accused of all mortal sins. Most of the haters are confident that to shoot movies about maniacs and murdes in principle. Others set Ksenia to blame the fact that she once again committed violence against the victims of the criminal, only now moral. Third stated that Sobchak interview did only for his own PR and Heip, and not for the sake of helping victims or discussing urgent problems in society. There are many rumors and speculations around the ill-fated interview. They even say that Ksenia Anatolyevna paid the maniac a large amount of money and dinner with him in a restaurant.

Sobchak herself denies all the rest of the peres and believes that it is just her work. A 39-year-old journalist is trying to justify themselves in social networks and responds to ill-wishers correctly, leading only facts. However, the charter of the stream of insults and accusations, Ksyusha decided to resort to his main weapon - irony. In Instagram, she squeezed the post, which supplied his own photo against the backdrop of deer horns, and answered the heater attacks. So, Sobchak noted that thanks to the film, the Investigative Committee began checking Mohov because of his words about one of the victims, and she considers it a good result. In his Longride, Ksenia mentioned the name of the Colleague Alexandra Suulim, who once made an interview with another no less famous maniac from Angarsk.

"I did not pay a maniac for participating in the film. If other journalists paid him - this is their personal choice, I do not condemn anyone for him. Sasha Sulim (editors), for example, paid money to the Angarsk maniac and did not hide it. Unfortunately, sometimes it is the only way, and reinforcing non-state projects strange, "said Ksenia. Haters could not pass by this comment and with a double strength began to condemn the star. "I didn't think it seemed to me that because of the times the poor Suulim was delivered," "But Sasha Sulim paid, and I did not pay." How much can you? "," Does she give peace of glory to Sulim? " - Folloviers wondered silently.

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