"Jack Sparrow may return": insider about new "Pirates of the Caribbean"


There was an unconfirmed insider information that the sixth part of the Pirates of the Caribbean Sea will be an attempt to a soft reboot of the franchise. However, as the previous two parts. The main role in the new picture, by rumors, will play Karen Gillan ("Guardians of the Galaxy"). Presumably, it will be a pirate of the Redd, which is a character of the attraction of the same name in Disneyland, but never appeared in the films of the franchise.

Insider also said that Johnny Depp will return to the role of Jack Sparrow. It is not known whether it will be one of the leading roles, a secondary role or kameo.

The producer of the new film will be Jerry Brookhaymer. The script wrote a retold riz and the floor of the Vernik ("Deadpool"), but did not cope with the task. And now the film has a new duet of scriptwriters. Craig Mazin (Chernobyl, "Very Scary Cinema 4", Snow White and Hunter 2, "Snow White and Hunter 2) joined the author of the scenarios of the first trilogy" Pirates of the Caribbean Sea ".

Before changing the scenario group there was information that the plot of the sixth of the Pirates of the Caribbean Sea can be built around the search for the treasure of Captain Jack Sparrow. A pirate of the Redd and Dave Jones (beat Naia) will come to the struggle for them.

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