The star of the "Vampire Diaries" Matthew Davis first became the Father


The other day, Matthew Davis shared with his subscribers in Twitter with joyful news: he and his wife Kili Kiliano became parents. The actor told a little about the newborn baby and thanked his follovers for their support.

Ripley Nangel Davis. Born March 31 at 9:51 pm. Blonde hair, blue eyes, face beautiful, like mom. Thank you all for your support and love,

- wrote Matthew. After that, he completed:

Let's hope she did not inherit my dyslexia.

Before the birth, Matthew noted in his social network that a pregnant wife stopped understanding his jokes.

Usually she considers me funny, but now I'm more annoying it,

- Shared actor.

Davis and Kashiano got married in December 2018. Just a few hours after Davis made a beloved sentence, the pair shared the news that they were waiting for their first child.

During pregnancy, Kili gave an interview with the Et Online magazine, where he said that she had about her daughter.

As a woman, I always imagined that I would have a daughter. Son I imagine worse. So I'm waiting for a girl. My husband and I really want to grow a strong charming lady. Now wonderful time for women. This situation is happening 20 years earlier, I would, honestly, nervous and worried about the daughter,

- said Cashiano.

The star of the

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