Reunion "Madmen": John Hamm congratulated the on-screen daughter Kesen Shipka with the 20th anniversary


Last Sunday, November 10, Kesen Shipka, famous for Sabrina's roles in the Sabrina's "Cutting Soul Soul" and Sally Draper in the TV series "Madness," celebrated the 20th anniversary. In his Instagram, she shared photographs from the holiday. On one of them, Krynan poses with his colleague John Hammom, who played the role of Father Sally in the television series.

And here and dad!

- signed the shipka frame.

The reunion of actors agitated by many pins in Instagram, including the actress of the Disney Channel Laura Marano, which noted in the comments that John admires.


Jeniyari Jones, who played Betty Draper in the "maddy", in honor of the 20th anniversary of Kesen published a post in which he explained that he could not attend a party in honor of her birthday.

Today I will not get this birthday. I am so proud of you, Kesen, and feel that in some extent responsible before you, baby. You have become so successful in life and in this stupid world, which we call our work. I could not and dream about the best daughter / partner for a crime on the screen. I know you from six years old! Happy twenty years! With love, mom,

- Spearly wrote Jones.

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