Feminism in all its glory: Emma Watson accused of ungratefulness for the criticism of the author "Harry Potter"


Recently, the author of Harry Potter Joan Rowling involuntarily provoked a scandal, sprawling against the erosion of the border between biological and transgender women. Many seemed to many that the writer bites the rights of trans-people, and she was criticized.

Feminism in all its glory: Emma Watson accused of ungratefulness for the criticism of the author

A number of actors who performed the main roles in the films about Harry Potter, hurried to speak in their Twitter that they, unlike Joan, take transgender people, in particular, the right of transgender women to be called women. Later, Joan wrote an essay, where he explained why he reacts to these things so, "in his youth, she survived violence, including sexual.

When you open the doors of toilets and locker rooms to any man who says that he is a woman - and the certificates of confirmation of the floor now give without surgery and hormonal therapy - you, in fact, open the door in general to all men,

- Rowling essays.

Feminism in all its glory: Emma Watson accused of ungratefulness for the criticism of the author

The executor of the role of Harry Potter Daniel Radcliffe spoke from the first of the actors, stating that "transgender women are women." Emma Watson, famous after the role of Hermione Granger, wrote:

Trans-people are those who they consider themselves. And they deserve to live without standing questions or comments on the fact that they are not those who believe themselves.

Then Bonnie Wright spoke, the performer of the role of Ginny Weasley:

If Harry Potter was a source of love and robust for you, then this love is infinite and does not require questions or condemnation. Trans-women are women. I know about you and love you.

Feminism in all its glory: Emma Watson accused of ungratefulness for the criticism of the author

As a result, pleaseing to representatives of LGBT and gender activists, the actors ran into the criticism of Rowling fans. In particular, Emma Watson said she "bites her hand that feeds her." One of the users appealed to Watson:

I never saw so ruthlessly biting the hand of the giving. Joan first told us that he experienced violence, and you were answered by her. You have "feminism on the contrary."

Other wrote Emma:

Without Rowling, you would be nobody. Shame to you.

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