Test for erudition: in what area do you lack knowledge?


Even at school, when we studied a large number of various items, it was clear that it was very difficult to become a professional in all areas at the same time. Someone best understands physics and mathematics, but nothing is sense in cooking, and someone can quote Mayakovsky, but it does not remember any chemical formula. "Pull out" a large amount of knowledge and in all the sciences are only high-headed people. But such unicumes are among us - and it is possible that it is you "rare erudite" and your brain is hammered by 100%. We offer to test your intellectual opportunities and refresh knowledge in various fields of sciences using the test. In this test, questions are laid on everything in the world, and to answer correctly, you need to know a lot. There are simple, complex and very complex questions, so you can easily understand what exactly you understand "excellent"! If you answer correctly at least half of the questions, you can only envy your horizons. Well, ready to check yourself?

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