Hearing: Eddie Redmein wants to dismiss Joan Rowling from "fantastic creatures"


The situation in the film industry is increasing more and more. Now any statements affecting racial diversity or LGBT rights are perceived particularly acutely, and the author of the Sague about Harry Potter Joan Rowling has repeatedly came to the distribution due to his publications in Twitter. And if Emma Watson and Daniel Radcliffe simply made it clear that they had fundamental discrepancies in views with the famous writer, the star of "fantastic creatures" Eddie Redmein went even further.

Hearing: Eddie Redmein wants to dismiss Joan Rowling from

According to Warner Bros insiders, now the actor is experiencing so much negative for Rowling, which no longer wants to cooperate with it within the franchise. Redrein allegedly became so uncomfortable to work with the author that it poses the question of the whole future of "fantastic creatures."

Hearing: Eddie Redmein wants to dismiss Joan Rowling from

Considering that Rowling acts by the producer, the creator of the original history and the author of the film scenario, it is unlikely that the studio will satisfy the demands of Eddie and truly break with her deal. In addition, there is a chance that the actor has already signed a contract for several paintings, and therefore much has been put on the card. So Warner Bros. Now it turned out to be in the wrong position, and it is not clear how to get out of it.

Hearing: Eddie Redmein wants to dismiss Joan Rowling from

The future of the franchise and so caused concerns due to the filming of the "Crime of Green de Wald", and a recent scandal with Ezro Miller, who was accused of beating the fan, positive adds. And the last thing you need is now, the tensions between the two people who are most important for "fantastic creatures".

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