Fair: Daniel Radcliffe calls to hand the Oscar Cascaders


The Deadline website took an interview with the performer of the role of Harry Potter Daniel Radcliffe and his Dubler as a boy who survived, David Holmes. During the filming of the last part of the Kholmes' Schopopeia in the flight scene, the spinal injury was injured and since then was chained to a wheelchair. Cascaderal's career on this was completed, but the injury did not affect the friendship of Radcliffe and Holmes.

Fair: Daniel Radcliffe calls to hand the Oscar Cascaders 19383_1

In an interview, friends talked about the work of Cascaders. Holmes says:

I became disabled due to the fact that people want to watch a film and say: "Oh, it was a perfectly performed trick." Olivia Jackson when shooting "The abode of evil" lost her hand, and the creators of the film shy away from the payment of money put on her. We risk your lives to entertain others. All other filmmaking departments have professional awards, and we are not. And it is ridiculous.

He was supported by Radcliffe:

There is a myth that cascaders are such completeness. When the audience see something very painful and terrible, they want to think that this is a computer graphic or some tricky way to do it painlessly. But often it is not. It is impossible to paint with a staircase painlessly. It is impossible to be painlessly to be a knocked machine. Let even when shooting the car will go slower than on the screen, it still knocks you down. Caskaders are looking for the best ways to build a scene, but still experience pain from these scenes. Tricks are a special form of art. Make them well and safely very difficult.

At the end of the interview with Radcliffe and Holmes, called "Oscar" and for the best movie records, thereby rewarding the respect of cascaders for their complex and dangerous work.

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