Test for intellectuals: Could you pass today the exam in literature?


Very soon, schoolchildren have to pass final exams. The excitement already hovers in the air, and those who have already left school desks involuntarily remember these difficult and happy times. Literature has always been considered one of the most difficult exams. In order to pass it out on "excellent," it was necessary to shove the pile of books, remember the most important, and sometimes elusive nuances of the plays, poems, novels ... Today, for the exam in literature, it is not enough to read a lot. Among the tasks, the exam meet both creative issues that require the ability to actively include their thinking. And if a few years ago we pulled tickets and orally answered questions that we had a long-awaited luck, then today's schoolchildren need to respond to more questions as part of testing. We suggest you shake an old and test your literary knowledge. To do this, you need to answer a few questions that are collected in our exciting test. And you remember what is the difference between the Yamba from Khorora, and what did Vronsky look like at the moment of the fateful acquaintance with Anna Karenina? Let's check!

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