The creator of "in all serious" destroyed the hopes of fans: "Walter White is dead"


The last season "In all grave" ended the scene in which Walter White expires blood, lying on the floor of his laboratory, after which the policeman taught his pulse, and the light is fading. It would seem that such a finale points to the death of the hero, but the screenwriter-director of the series Vince Gilligan never after the end of the filming did not confirm this.

The fans denied the loss of Whiteman still hoped for his return, but in vain. Gilligan, having come to the Rich's show Aizen, the question about the fate of the hero suddenly declared:

Yes. Walter White is dead.

It can be assumed that in this way the screenwriter decided to give an additional intrigue to the future film El Camino, which will be a full-length continuation of the series. In this case, however, this move was not too successful, because the wide publicity of the word Aizen received only a week later after the show.

The creator of

Of course, it is still better to say goodbye to Brian Cranston's character, because there are flashbacks, which always help the heroes to return to the screen remain at the disposal of fans. Do not write off from the bills and the series "Better Call Salus", to which "in all serious" is very close in chronology.

The creator of

Brian Cranston, Aaron Paul and Vince Gilligan

Recall the film "Path. Breaking Bad. The film, which was filmed in the setting of complete secrecy, will be released on Netflix on October 11.

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