Love at first sight: Kolson Baker told about the novel with Megan Fox


Recently, Kolson Baker visited the show The Howard Stern Show, where she spoke about relations with Megan Fox.

I did not know what love was, until I met her eyes. It was just wow,

- said the musician.

Love at first sight: Kolson Baker told about the novel with Megan Fox 19402_1

He and Megan met on the set of Midnight In The Switchgrass last fall. And in the spring of this year, Fox broke up with her husband Brian Ostin Green and plunged into a new relationship with Kolson.

She recently introduced him to his children.

I fell in love for the first time. For me, this is a new experience - to be open love and all that. I used to just believed that something like this is possible

- noted Baker. The presenter specified, whether it was both love for them at first glance.

Yes, quite exactly,

- answered Kolson.

Love at first sight: Kolson Baker told about the novel with Megan Fox 19402_2

The only disadvantage in relations with Megan He considers high public attention:

Are you aware that my house is not fenced? This is the problem. Everyone knows where I live. And it is so strange: I lived with usual normal life, and from recently around my house, the paparazzi crowds every day.

Fox in an interview also enthusiasbly responds about his chosen one and claims that he is her soul:

I felt that something very powerful would happen to me when I see him, but I did not know that. I just felt in the shower that something would happen. We are having half of one soul. And I immediately told him, because I just felt it.

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