By the author "Harry Potter" collapsed with criticism for disrespect for transgenders


Recently, the situation in the world associated with infringement by whatever a sign is administered to the limit, and even the author of Harry Potter sague was hit by the distribution of activists.

On Saturday, Joan Rowling shared on Twitter the opinion on the article on the inequality in the field of health care, in which the expression "menstruating people" was used. The writer sarcastically noticed that "earlier for such people there was a separate word," and added several distorted options for the word "women."

The LGBTQ Glaad organization intervened on the protection of the rights of secondary minorities, as well as Transgender and Quirov, intervened. Her representatives stated that Rowling moved to the side of those who "deliberately distorts the facts about gender identity and people who are transgenders."

Glaad advises to read Persix Jackson, whose author does not suffer from transfobia

But the author was not easy to surrender and answered that he did not pursue the goal of someone offend and only wanted to designate, as important for people, accurate self-identification. Joan noted that the erasure of the concept of "Paul" distorts the reality in which women are around the world, and also poses the very existence of same-sex relations.

The idea that such women like me who empathized transgeons for decades, feeling unity with them, because they are all vulnerable to violence from men, actually "hate" transgender, because they consider the concept of "sex" real, seems to me nonsense,

- Rowling said.

The writer added that the concept of "floor" is necessary for meaningful discussion of his life.

Tell the truth is not equally hate,

- she summarized.

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