Nails in a box: Cary Malligan told about the strange mother's gift


Cary Malligan, the leading role in the film "The Girl, Hope, recognized on the BAFTA award with the best British film, recently visited the show at Jimmy Fallon's show. Carey and the lead discussed her nomination for Oscar this year, and the actress told how an unusual gift about it was made by Mom.

"My mother is a wonderful person, she often travels with me and children, she went with me for the past" Oscar ". True, this time, because of the coronavirus, she could not fly out of England, "Mulling said. Before leaving mom, the actress handed her a pink box in the shape of a heart with a very unexpected content: there were overhead pink nails that Carey wore on the set.

"I brought them with you from England. In my opinion, on the last day of filming, I came home and sat down to watch American Warrior Ninja. I settled on the sofa and at the time of viewing it was removed these nails, because they infused me. I do not know, I guess I folded them to the edge of the sofa, and my mother thought: "Let me give them to the rest." So I'm lucky with my nails on Oscar, "the actress joked.

In the "Girl Supply of Hope", Carey plays a 30-year-old Cassandra, who in the afternoon there is a barista in a coffee shop, and at night hunts the guys who are weakened by the weakness of the girls who drunk them, and takes it to his raped girlfriend.

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