Test: Guess the movie on the set of emoticons


Do you spend much time on the Internet? Do you understand and use any new-fashioned ways to communicate? Reducing words and phrases, stickers, emoticons? That's the latter just go in our test. Do not worry, if you do not particularly understand these muzzles, called smiles, it does not prevent you from answering the test questions correctly. Since the emoticons are chosen in such a way to be understandable even completely intense people, and you are just sure about it! - Of course you are already familiar with such a concept as smile! So, our test game is called "Guess the film on the set of emoticons." The name has already told everything and even explained, is it not true? But let's still stop for a while and deal in the fact that it is still the same and why it is necessary. Yes, and whether it is necessary at all. Here, as always, there can be no unambiguous answer and one opinion, but what do you think about this? Someone believes that with the advent of smiles, people have learned to use the great and mighty language that vocabulary flashes and all this is bad. But someone looks at everything more easily and is ready to adapt to changes for they are inevitable. Whose side are you in this matter? Wherever you are, let's see how much you are already adapted to life with emoticons!

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