The creator of "sharp visors" plans to shoot a full-length film on the series


At the weekend in Birmingham passed a two-day festival fully dedicated to a multi-sized criminal drama. Stephen Knight spoke about plans for the future, which will undoubtedly delight fans.

At the moment I am writing a script for the sixth season. And it is almost completed. Then I will take over the seventh season, and after I think about Spin-Off, perhaps a full-length film, where the action turns out at the beginning of the Second World War,

- stated cinematographer. He added that she did not talk about the bed, because "you will not be able to kill the character, which then appears in the TV series."

It is noteworthy that the festival was the former frontman of the Oasis group Liam Galleher, a large fan of "sharp visors". He turned his role in the series instead of speaking, Stephen Knight with reluctance, but he went to the meeting.

I try that in my projects did not appear people, famous for not acting, but by other things. It seems to me that it is quite distracting spectators from the character himself,

- recognized the screenwriter.

The creator of

Liam Gallahher.

The creator of

Finn Cole and Harry Korton

We will remind, the series "Acute Visrats" tells the story of the Shelby family, which in the 20s. The XX century built its criminal empire in Birmingham. Killian Murphy played the main roles in TV show, Paul Anderson, Sophie Randle, Helen McCurry.

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