Star "Harry Potter" Tom Felton did not get into Slytherin after online distribution


During Quarantine Joan Rowling launched on the official website of Harry Potter (Wizarding World), a special section called Harry Potter At Home, where the fans of the magic universe can have fun and play games during self-insulation.

Before this site, I also got Tom Felton - the executor of the role of one of the main villains of the history of Draco Malfoy, a student of the Faculty of Slytherin. Despite the fact that after filming in Harry Potter, the actor was filmed in other projects, for most he remained a hero of a magical fairy tale.


Recently, Felton was a test for belonging to the faculties of Hogwarts, and it turned out that he was not a "true" Draco Malfoy - the program defined it in Puffenduy. He shared results on his page in Instagram.

Sad day ... in many senses,

- Signed the screenshots with the test. Actor supported Wizarding World Editors:

On the contrary, Tom! This is a happy day! Puffenduy is full of fair and faithful friends, you perfectly impart into it! (R.S. It is also closest to the kitchen ...)

Users paid attention to the fact that Tom was registered on the site under the name Draco Malfoy.

"It's so nice that you took the name Draco", "Wait, what have that? Tom is Puffenduy, as can be seen. And Draco is undoubtedly Slytherin, "" Why are you so upset? Slytherin and Puffenduy - an excellent team, "users write in the comments.

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