Writer "Castlvania" leaves the project due to charges of sexual harassment


If the public has previously listened to the recognition of the actresses, who after a few decades suddenly understood that, going at night to the center of the director or producer, they thought it was only about getting a role and about the fact that the author of comics was accused of sexual harassment cartoons. Warren Ellis is known for creating the animation series Castlevania for Netflix, as well as work on the comics "Global purity", "Transmetropolitan" and a computer game Dead Space.


The network has a website on which the recognition of Ellis's victims is collected, most so hard experienced experience with him, which wished to remain unknown. The main crime mentioned in most memoirs: he has taken into correspondence with its fans both in social networks and by email. Young girls characterized Warren Ellis as a person prone to mental violence, manipulating and humiliation, although there were no clear charges and evidence in favor of such conclusions.

The site's creators argue that their goal is a proactive approach to sexual harassment, and offer other victims of violence to use their website as a template. Ellis himself, who already lost the work due to this story, brought apologies and commented on the situation with such words:

Although I accepted a number of bad decisions in my life, but I never believed that I have enough power to manipulate other people. I never deliberately forced anyone to anyone, did not insult and did not try to manipulate.

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