Amanda Seifried showed "Pregnant" photo after the birth of the son


The other day Amanda Savetrid and her husband Tom Sadoski confirmed the news that they became the parents of the second child. During pregnancy, Amanda chose not to post his photos, but yesterday showed subscribers to Instagram, as it looked like a tummy at the later date. She published a photograph at which her youngest daughter, 3-year-old Nina, holding a handle on her mother's belly.

Amanda Seifried showed

The birth of the son of Sonfried and Sadoski reported on the War Child charitable organization page.

From the moment of the birth of our daughter, three years ago, our commitment to innocent children, who suffer so much from conflicts and wars, became the driving force in our lives. And with the birth of our son, the work of Inara and War Child became our guiding star,

- The pair says in the statement.

Публикация от Amanda Seyfried? (@mingey)

Amanda and Thomas got acquainted five years ago while working on the Broadway Stretch of The Way We Get BY. Then each of them was in a relationship: Amanda met with Justin Long, and Sadoski eight years old was married to Kimberly Hope. After some time, they sorted out in their relationship and decided to associate life with each other. Amanda and Thomas got married in 2017, when the actress was pregnant with her daughter.

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