Showrangers "Games of Thrones" had to begged HBO to remove the battle on the draft


"The game of thrones" ended last year, but interest in the show and does not think to subsove. Fans are looking forward to James Hibberd's book "Fire cannot kill the dragon", in which it describes in detail how the cult series was shot, and one of the passages of the coming bestseller was recently published in Vanity Fair.

This episode concerns the filming of the battle on the draft - the first large-scale battle of the Games of the Thrones, which was shown in the ninth episode of the second season. As it turned out, George Martina, David Benioff and Dan Wayssu, had to literally begging HBO bosses so that they were allocated an additional budget for shooting. Initially, it was planned that from the battle either would have to abandon, or to remove it exclusively on land, thereby using what was happening that the battle in his book Martin took place.

We were nervous, very nervous about this episode before the second season. They rummed to turn the draft in the land battle, which would be terrible,

- remembers Wayss. Showranner added that they had to be HBO to be happy once again and lead endless negotiations, discussing how many boats would be able to get and how appropriate all this. All that was interested in the bosses of the canal was, it will be possible to create a fantasy drama, while participating in the epic battles, and, obviously, Benioff and Wayss eventually could convince everyone.

Showranners received additional two million dollars on shooting, but Martin, who was engaged in the episode scenario, still had to shorten the book version. The decision to add the battle was for the series by fateful and led to the fact that HBO further increased the budget of the show, and the audience saw more than one epic battle.

Even more about the filming of the "Game of Thrones" can be found after the publication of the book "Fire cannot kill the dragon". The start of sales is scheduled for October 6.

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